Strong cryptography - since 1984

Person To Person

Features of Person To Person encryption products:

  • Industry standard RSA Public-Private Key Encryption
  • Does not require you or your contacts use Digital Certificates
  • Encryption a trillion times stronger than online credit card security
  • Change passwords, digital signature and encryption keys instantly
  • Zero retention of secret data to disc, so no audit trails or forensics
  • Virus-proof file transmission and email delivery
  • Encrypt and Sign memory stick files for safe transportation
  • Encrypt and Sign files on CD/DVD
  • No restrictions on multiple copies for your own use

Person To Person starts with a feature-rich FREE license which you can later upgrade.

Person To Person can SIGN and also ENCRYPT files. Signing INCLUDES encryption but not the full RSA encryption for a specific person from your contact list. This makes signing easy to use as the recipient does not have to be in your contact list already, but it is not quite as secure as a file encrypted for a specific contact using RSA in Person To Person. A signed file with no password can be read by anyone with Person To Person. Therefore we allow you to add a password to the signed file (in Settings) and we recommend that the password be communicated separately eg by phone.

When installing the free license all you need is a suitable user id (we recommend name + organisation eg Greg Bradshaw CPL Systems) and your own password or pass phrase (can include spaces).

Person To Person FREE License

Person to Person FREE license provides high security file encryption for disc files and email attachments. It also inclues Person to Person Data Vault which stores all your internet passwords, login details and confidential files in an un-crackable RSA-encrypted database on your PC.

It keeps all your passwords and login details for online banking, email, Amazon, Paypal, Facebook etc at your fingertips (but 100% safe) when you go online.

With Person To Person Datavault your confidential data is never left on disc unencrypted. So no matter what happens to your PC your confidential information is safe.

Click the DOWNLOAD button on the right to install the FREE license now. Click the PURCHASE button to purchase FULL Edition with additional features such as the OUTLOOK toolbar, Autocrypt and SHRED.

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PTP PRO License with Outlook Toolbar

Person To Person Outlook Security Toolbar adds a toolbar for Outlook. This allows it to seemlessly encrypt and decrypt the body of the email as well as its attachments. Confidential emails remain in Outlook folders as encrypted files - a massive security benefit.

PTP is integrated with Windows file explorer which means you can right-click on files and folders to encrypt/send email instantly. It also adds useful features such as Autocrypt and SHRED.

Person To Person automatically vets the identity of the person you are communicating with. This avoids them having to purchase digital certificates with their inevitable security loopholes.

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PTP LITE for Memory Sticks

PTP LITE is a small (320 Kb) Windows-independent program carried on a memory stick. PTP LITE is not actually installed in Windows (although its Windows compatible) and this makes it highly portable.

This means that if you are travelling and want to encrypt or decrypt files using a PC which is not your own (eg in a hotel) you simply plug the memory stick into the PC and PTP Lite does the work without the risk of leaving anything behind.

PTP LITE efficiently encrypts-decrypts files and email attachments for secure transportation on a memory stick, usb disc or CD/DVD. PTP LITE uses the same RSA encryption methods as Person To Person.

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Person To Person PRO+

Person To Person Pro Edition is for commercial organisations with multiple PTP users. It provides its own networked Public Key Infrastructure using a centralised database under the control of the IT Manager. This makes it easy to set up and deploy throughout the organisation as well as allowing for ongoing management of staff changes etc. Please contact us for more information.

For software developers we also supply encryption products which allow you to quickly and easily incorporate RSA Encryption within your own software applications. One of our technical consultants will be happy to discuss this with you if you will complete our response form by clicking here.

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