Person To Person 2017
End-to-End Encryption
Person To Person guarantees personal security between two email users. It lets you email files and documents with AutoCrypt. This means it will self-decrypt at the other end with the correct pass-phrase. The recipient does not need any software or digital certificates to decrypt the files you send them. If you want absolute security you can add RSA encryption.
Files are 100% secure as they pass over the internet and when they are stored on intermediate isp servers (which they will be under government legislation).
This feature ensures that you can send safe files without worrying about whether the recipient has the right decrypion software to read them. No other system makes email encryption this easy.
Person To Person is perfect for cloud storage security too. By storing as PTP self-decrypting files they are safe from interference by the cloud providers. They can be recovered and decrypted anywhere from any PC with no decryption software installed.
Person To Person is available as a FREE (non-expiring) license which includes limited Encryption and Data Signature features.
Free edition will also DECRYPT any files you receive from other Person To Person users. To get your FREE license Simply click the download bar and choose the free license option at install time.
The PRO License for individual users costs just $99 US.It includes full RSA two-way encryption with Contact Database, Security Toolbar for Outlook, AutoCrypt self-decrypting files, DATAVAULT personal password store and Shred by date feature.
PTP Pro+ is for small organisations and SMEs. PTP Pro+ provides its own networked Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) using a centralised database under the control of the IT supervisor. PRO+ Edition is sold through our reseller network.
PTP provides encryption standards in a package which allows you to tailor the security level to your needs. PTP is designed for ease of use so you can manage it in-house.
Person To Person creates its own internal digital certificates on the fly, every time you encrypt or decrypt. Nothing is retained. This means it is not necessary for you to purchase a 3rd party digital certificate as with other RSA based encryption tools.
Digital Certificates are an extremely poor way of delivering email security. Why would you pay for all your details and encryption keys to be held by a 3rd party organisation you know nothing about ?
Because Person To Person is based on encryption standards it means that you know exactly what you are getting. It does not use propietary algorithms which have no track record. RSA has had over forty years of rigourous practical testing in the field.
All secure internet pages and online credit card transactions rely on RSA being secure. Without RSA being mathematically sound, the commercial internet could not exist. However, very few encryption tools use RSA and most of those that do rely on digital certificates.
Person To Person
Unassailable end to end encryption
Cloud Security for all your files stored on Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox etc.
Google etc use your cloud files for search and marketing data. PTP AutoCrypt encrypts and stores them in the cloud as self-decrypting files so that only you can read and retrieve them. Because they are self-decrypting you can retrieve them from anywhere on any PC.
Send email attachments as ulta-secure self-decrypting files (no software required by receiver). For more security, add a deadline so it won't decrypt after x days. Just right-click any file and select PTP/AutoCrypt.
PTP AutoCrypt self-decrypting files are high-security encrypted files. The target recipient can click them and they unpack and de-crypt themselves without any other software or digital certificates required. This makes PTP incredibly easy to use. Just right-click any file and click PTP/AutoCrypt.
Download sample self-decrypting file (password=person).
File shredding means that you set a time limit when your files can be decrypted by PTP. After that time PTP 'shreds' them which means they are forever impossible to de-crypt. This means your files are never left lying around for years on the internet or in someone's mailbox.
Person To Person FREE (non-expiring) Edition
PersonToPerson 3.8.0 (NEW)

View Release Notes for latest release.
View User Manual valid for latest release.
Install ptxLauncher allows self-decrypting files to auto-run for receiver.
Free license is not time-limited but some features are disabled after a demo period.
The free edition provides many useful security features free of charge such as Symmetrical Encryption eg DES, AES and Data Signing. With the free edition license you can still SIGN & ENCRYPT files for email attachment or for safe keeping on removable media.
Full (PRO) License upgrade adds many extra features including
SELF-DECRYPTING files for secure cloud storage and email attachments
SHREDDER self-shreds encrypted files after a specified time
Choose your encryption algorithm and strength
RSA two way security with self-generating digital certificates
Contact Database for your secure email contacts
Security Toolbar for Outlook 2010, 2013
Data Vault - stores personal data, passwords etc in encrypted database
Full backup/restore features so you can use it anywhere on any PC
Unlimited free copies for your own use - Work, Home, Laptop etc.
Person To Person PRO License has an Outlook Security Toolbar which makes Outlook encryption very easy. Just before you send, click 'Encrypt'. You don't have to encrypt every email, just the ones you choose. PRO License encrypts the body of the email as well as attachments. It also adds powerful new features to the FREE edition such as AutoCrypt and SHRED.
Sample RSA Encryption
PLAINTEXT = Now is the time for all good men to come to the party.
When Person To Person encrypts this with the magic of RSA we get
If we do it again, the SAME PLAINTEXT produces
completely different, and its different every time. Because we can output as an ASCII text file, firewalls can see the file is harmless and cannot host viruses, so they let us through.
You won't want to encrypt every email and every attachment. What Person To Person lets you do is quickly select the ones you do want to secure with a single click. Similarly, the Data Vault feature keeps an icon in the task tray so you can retrieve all your passwords with one click.
Only the person you send the email to can read it.
Because Person To Person uses Cyphermax, a patented method of encrypting with RSA (which normally needs a digital certificate) but without the need for you to purchase or renew digital certificates. Why ? Because 3rd party digital certificates REDUCE your security. Please research this on the internet and find out about RSA and digital certificates before investing in encryption software.
Recently enacted laws by the US Congress (HIPAA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley and Sarbanes-Oxley) have caused people to look again at email security. For email use, AES and DES type encryption is poor security. Only RSA guarantees your data will be transmitted safely "person to person".
Person To Person is a trillion times stronger than the same RSA encryption we all use for online shopping and banking.
Person To Person RSA Encryption
Person To Person protects you with super strong RSA Encryption. Every time you use a credit card you are using RSA Encryption. The internet depends on RSA Encryption being secure. All banks and websites rely on it. RSA is the most secure encryption available. Unfortunately it can be complex to implement, but Person To Person makes it easy.
Person To Person targets the three areas at most risk: email, file encryption to hard disc and file encryption to memory sticks and other removable media. Person To Person is fully compatible with Microsoft Outlook and all Windows email software.
WiFi makes emails more open than ever before. You may not realise it, but copies of your emails are stored in Outlook folders and on ISP servers for years.
PDF files are not secure
Emailing PDF files is fast and reliable but its definitely
not secure. Many users think PDF attachments are safe but they can easily be edited - unless you encrypt them first with Person To Person.
Person To Person provides mathematical certainty that any email you encrypt can only be opened by the person it is addressed to. Its much safer than the web pages you use for credit card payments because our RSA encryption key is over a trillion times stronger.
Person To Person meets all important International Encryption Standards
Because Person To Person is based on encryption standards it means that you know exactly what you are getting. It does not use propietary algorithms which have no track record. RSA has had over forty years of rigourous practical testing in the field. All secure internet pages and online credit card transactions rely on RSA being secure. Without RSA being mathematically sound, the commercial internet could not exist. However, very few encryption tools use RSA and most of those that do rely on digital certificates which have their own security weaknesses.
Person To Person exceeds the following NIST standards:
USA Federal Information Processing Standards FIPS 180-2
USA Federal Information Processing Standards FIPS 140-2
USA Federal Information Processing Standards FIPS 46-3
U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (
FIPS Publications are issued by NIST after approval by the Secretary of Commerce pursuant to Section 5131 of the Information Technology Reform Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-106) and the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-347). The Computer Security Division ( is one of six divisions within NIST's Information Technology Laboratory. The CSD mission is to provide standards and technology to protect information systems against threats to the confidentiality of information, integrity of information and processes, and availability of information and services in order to build trust and confidence in Information Technology (IT) systems.
Person To Person exceeds the following ISO standards:
ISO 10118-3
ISO 18033-2
ISO 18033-3
ISO (International Organization for Standardization is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards. ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 159 countries, one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland who co-ordinate the system.